Conviction alone can’t “do.”
But Community CAN.

We know that healing the world can’t happen from information alone. So, while our “head” at Honeymilk is an intentional lifestyle blog, our “heart and hands” is the community we can build around the mission of shifting our world, and ourselves because of it. Because we can only make real change with your help.

A fact about humans is: some people dive ALL IN, quick. Others like to dip their toes in and go a little wider than deep. Whatever gels with your personality, we’ve got a way for you to integrate into the genuine community of Honeymilk and decide where you’ll take it from there.

If you’re ready to co-create an initiative toward living in a way that nourishes the world we live in and the people who inhabit it, then we can’t WAIT to have you inside our community.

The Honeymilk Hive

The Honeymilk Hive

Join for free

This is a good fit for you if:
You’re passionate about finding better ways of living that improve your experience and that better the world in the process. You also want to stay up to date on Honeymilk content from week to week.

The Honeymilk Hive is our free online community filled with similar-minded individuals who care about building (and re-building) a world of good. When you sign up, you’ll get a weekly email with highlighted Honeymilk content and updates on any initiatives or collaborations you can step into.


Honeymilk Haven Retreats

Honeymilk Haven Retreats

Dip your toe

This is a good fit for you if:
You’re curious about what co-housing and sustainable living might look like on a larger, really practical level and you want to get a glimpse of it in-person in the form of an intentionally-crafted retreat.

Honeymilk Haven Retreats take place at Honeymilk-selected location that will drop at the time of retreat launch. This offers two life-changing pieces to our retreat attendees. First, you get a getaway so you can step out of your daily flow and have a relaxing and enriching few days to re-energize. Second, you’ll also have the opportunity to experience co-housing and co-living, the Honeymilk way, so you can see if it is something you want to commit to in the future.


Honeymilk co-housing

Honeymilk co-housing

Go all iN

This is a good fit for you if:
You value the sustainability and contribution to the common good that co-housing and co-living can provide. You’re ready to integrate into a community that fosters a conscious shift toward a better world.

The culmination of Honeymilk’s ideals, passion, and action is our co-housing initiative. We believe that community isn’t just something you cultivate online, in a group yoga class, or business professionals meeting. Instead, it’s a way of living that can change the world we live in. If you’re open to learning more, we’d love to show you what’s possible when we get back to our roots of living in a true community together.